Neilsen: Podcating gaining ground
Neilsen relased a report earlier this month about the uptake of podcasting divided in the usual Neilsen manner. The demographic results are no surprise, but the language is a wee bit confusing, as pointed out by the MediaShift blog. The excerpt from the Neilsen report:
As is often typical with new technologies, young people are more likely than their older counterparts to engage in audio or video podcasting. Web users between the ages 18 and 24 are nearly twice as likely as the average Web user to download audio podcasts, followed by users in the 25-34 and 35-44 age groups, who were also more likely than the average Web user to do audio podcasting. Video podcasters trended a little older, with 25-34 year olds indexing the highest. Web users above the age of 45 were less likely than average to engage in podcasting of either sort.
Things get fuzzy when we can no longer tell if they are talking about creators or users. The numbers are fine, but that language will only serve to further confuse.
Link to the Nielsen report .pdf.